useful LINKS for self-training
Training opportunities
This section lists websites where you can find workshops and events dedicated to training in bioinformatics, statistics, software development, research data management and other data/code related topics.
Courses organised by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is an internationally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to biological and biomedical data science. It is present in the main academic institutions of Switzerland and leads numerous national and international projects with a major impact on life science research and health. Although active in Switzerland, it is open to researchers working elsewhere in Europe.
Courses organised by ELIXIR
One of the goal of ELIXIR (Europe’s distributed infrastructure for life-science data) is to offer training to life science researchers. As such it offers a training platform called TeSS that lists training events organised in Europe. Link:
Workshops organised by the Carpentries Foundation
The Carpentries Foundation builds global capacity in essential data and computational skills for conducting efficient, open, and reproducible research. We train and foster an active, inclusive, diverse community of learners and instructors that promotes and models the importance of software and data in research. We collaboratively develop openly-available lessons and deliver these lessons using evidence-based teaching practices. We focus on people conducting and supporting research.
Workshops organised by the Physalia organisation (Berlin-based)
Courses mostly on statistics (R), genomic data analysis (R), Unix Shell, Python Data Visualisation, etc.
Most of the courses are online during the Covid period.
Self-study online lessons
Open Intro practicals for R and Statistics
A great source of practical exercises and tips
GOBLET portal
Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning Education and Training (learning material)
Bioinformatics Workbook
A great source of hands-on tutorials on various bioinformatic topics