Slack is a messaging application that you can install on your laptop, phone or use in your favorite web browser. Slack is meant for teams and workplaces can be used across multiple devices and platforms, and is equipped with robust features that allow you to not only chat one-on-one with associates but also in groups.

The Amsterdam Science Park Study Group dispose of a Slack workspace to foster networking and offer a one-stop place to ask for help, share data/code events, request dedicated training, solve programming bugs etc.

You can easily customize the notifications you want to keep or get rid off. See a screenshot below.

Slack screenshot


Our Slack Study Group workspace is organized in dedicated channels so that questions or activities can be addressed specifically.

If you do not know where to ask your question, simply ask it in the #general channel.

Specific channel and their maintainers


  • #crunchomics: questions related to the FNWI compute cluster
  • #r-rstudio: channel for R and RStudio related questions.
  • #microbiome: amplicon-based and shotgun metagenomics.
  • #statistics: which test to choose, doing an ANOVA, etc.


  • Wim de Leeuw
  • Marc Galland
  • Anna Heintz-Buschart, Fred White.
  • Marc Galland

Science park Campus

Most Amsterdam Science Park Study Group members are located on the Science Park campus in the 904 building. Aim for the building with the two telescopes on the roof!

Please contact the current community lead before dropping by: send an email to Marc Galland, m.galland@uva.nl

Amsterdam Science Park Study Group